Talk on Social rise of the Ottoman Şarkı at Yunus Emre Enstitüsü

Yazıcı-dostu sürüm

The talk was delivered under the title ‘Social rise of the Ottoman Şarkı’ by Italian musician and researcher Federica Nardella and chaired by Dr. Sebahattin Abdurrahman. In her talk, Nardella explained the evolution of şarkı from the time of Selim III to Abdülaziz and showed the relationships between social groups and music. Nardella argued that the change reflects the transition of the palace service (kalemiye) into a bureaucratic system (mülkiye). Nardella analysed the relationship between the muzik and social groups by using sociologist John Lie’s ‘mode of exchange’ theory (1992) and her own model. The presentation was followed by questions and answers.